Tips to Get Your Furnace Ready for Cold Weather

Winter is Coming. Tips to Get Your Furnace Ready for Cold Weather.

The local weathermen are predicting temperatures will dip into the 40s in Shawnee this weekend. That means HVAC service and repair companies, like us, are gearing up for the flood of calls that will soon be coming in from homeowners who turn on their furnaces only to find they’re not working properly or at all.

This is the best time to share a few tips to get your furnace ready for the cold weather to come. We talked to James, Envirotech’s co-owner, for the rundown.

How important is annual furnace maintenance?

James says, “I cannot stress enough how important maintenance is if you want to keep your furnace running as long as possible, and as efficiently as possible. People make the mistake of thinking only older furnaces need maintenance. As that is true to a point, all HVAC systems will benefit from being serviced regularly.”

Does furnace maintenance have to be performed by a professional technician?

James answers, “Some aspects of maintenance should be handled by an expert. Our team checks the electrical wiring, looks for any issues with valves and the pilot burner if it’s a gas model. Plus, we can check and lubricate the blower motor and clean out any debris that has built up and can age your furnace quicker than necessary. That being said, there are things any homeowner can do on his or her own that can help.”

Interested in signing up for a maintenance agreement with Envirotech to put your annual service on autopilot? Learn more about it.


Steps You Can Take to Prep Your Furnace for Winter

Take your thermostat for a test run. Turn your thermostat to heat and see if the furnace kicks on. Check a register to make sure warm air is blowing out. Do this well before you expect to turn on your furnace to warm up your home. That way if it doesn’t turn on or work as expected, you have plenty of time to schedule a service call.

Change your air filter. There are a lot of factors that go into how often to change your air filter. If you use cheaper filters, you or a family member has allergies, pets live in your home or someone has compromised health, change your filter often—at least monthly. If you use longer use filters or haven’t used your HVAC system much lately, you can change it quarterly. However, you should always change the air filter when you turn on your furnace for the first time in the fall or winter season. This is one of the most important (and easy) things you can do to keep your furnace running smoothly and efficiently for many years.

Double-check the area around your furnace and clear away items. It happens. Things get placed near the furnace and you think you’ll move them away eventually. That time is now. Keep a couple of feet around your HVAC system clear of anything. You don’t want to run the risk of something accidentally igniting.

If you have a whole-home humidifier… Before turning on the furnace for the season, change the filter and ensure it is turned to the winter setting. Double check that the tube runs to the drain. Verify it’s on the humidity level setting that you find most comfortable.

Check your vents/registers. Make sure they are open and move any furniture or items that block the flow of warm air.


Envirotech is Here Whenever You Need Us

Even taking the steps above doesn’t mean you won’t potentially have a furnace hiccup here and there. Expert annual maintenance often catches any issues early on before they become a bigger, expensive repair later, but there is always the chance of something unexpected happening.

And, if it does, know you can count on the Envirotech team to take care of your furnace this winter.